The six remaining teams take off from their Pit Stop at the Bayon Temple in Siem Reap Cambodia and receive a clue instructing them to fly 2,000 miles to Delhi, India and then find a place called Moonlight Motors. All teams secure the same flight, but difficulties arise for some teams throughout the leg as they try to navigate the complicated streets of India. At Moonlight Motors, the racers face a Roadblock that requires one member of each team to spray-paint a car. During this task, one racer's badgering of their partner causes them to fall dangerously behind. The teams then head to the Ambassador Hotel, where a doorman gives them a clue that leads them to a Detour. One team's ineptitude at their chosen task task causes them to lose valuable time, but another team loses even more due to continued navigational problems. In the end, this team checks in last at the Pit Stop, but is delighted to find that they are not eliminated (though the reprieve comes with a string attached.)
13 - 1Bees are Much Calmer than All This! September 28, 2008
13 - 2Do You Like American Candy? October 05, 2008
13 - 3Did You Push My Sports Bra Off the Ledge? October 12, 2008
13 - 4I Wonder If They Like Blondes in New Zealand? October 19, 2008
13 - 5Do It Like a Madman October 26, 2008
13 - 6Please Hold While I Singe My Skull November 02, 2008
13 - 7My Nose Is on Fire November 09, 2008
13 - 8I’m Like an Angry Cow November 16, 2008
13 - 9That Is Studly November 23, 2008
13 - 10You're Gonna Get Me Killed November 30, 2008
13 - 11You Look Like Peter Pan December 07, 2008