A blackmailer has been threatening the Kölsch brewery in Cologne. Concerned with his company's reputation, Belcher Sr. decides to pay the ransom in person, and is soon shot dead. But when the blackmailer demands a higher ransom and poisons the beer, Ballauf and Schenk suspect they're dealing with a copycat offender. Directed by Markus Fischer, 2000.
31 - 1Episode 1 January 02, 2000
31 - 2Episode 2 January 09, 2000
31 - 3Episode 3 January 16, 2000
31 - 4Episode 4 January 30, 2000
31 - 5Episode 5 February 13, 2000
31 - 6Köln - Bitter Almonds March 05, 2000
31 - 7Episode 7 March 12, 2000
31 - 8Episode 8 March 26, 2000
31 - 9Episode 9 April 02, 2000
31 - 10Episode 10 April 09, 2000
31 - 11Episode 11 April 24, 2000
31 - 12Episode 12 May 21, 2000
31 - 13Episode 13 May 28, 2000
31 - 14Episode 14 June 04, 2000
31 - 15Episode 15 July 09, 2000
31 - 16Köln - Deadly Inheritance July 16, 2000
31 - 17Episode 17 July 30, 2000
31 - 18Köln - Straight to the Heart August 06, 2000
31 - 19Episode 19 August 13, 2000
31 - 20Episode 20 August 20, 2000
31 - 21Episode 21 August 27, 2000
31 - 22Episode 22 September 03, 2000
31 - 23Episode 23 September 10, 2000
31 - 24Episode 24 September 24, 2000
31 - 25Episode 25 October 15, 2000
31 - 26Episode 26 October 30, 2000
31 - 27Quartet in Leipzig November 26, 2000
31 - 28Episode 28 December 10, 2000
31 - 29Köln - The Lady on the Train December 17, 2000