The show begins at Nantucket's Old North Wharf, much of which dates from the early 18th century and site of several small cottages available for rent. At the site, homeowner Kathy McGrew Bentley shows us the window sash color approved by the Historic District Commission, as well as the outside placement of the chimney, which had previously been slated for inside the building. Contractor Bruce Killen describes the cost of the extra framing work so far: $30,000. Outside, mason Dan Kissell shows us how to parge the new concrete block foundation so that it matches the old foundation, while cedar roofer John Rex reveals the secret of the roof's decorative diamond detail. Out at Bruce Killen's workshop, Bruce helps refrubish the building's old fornt doors, using custom knives to replicate the moldings and a large belt sander to remove the paint from the frames. Finally, lighting designer Melissa Guenet and electrician Sally Kay Bates shows us the plans for the second floor.
18 - 1The Nantucket House - 1 September 28, 1996
18 - 2The Nantucket House - 2 October 05, 1996
18 - 3The Nantucket House - 3 October 12, 1996
18 - 4The Nantucket House - 4 October 19, 1996
18 - 5The Nantucket House - 5 October 26, 1996
18 - 6The Nantucket House - 6 November 02, 1996
18 - 7The Nantucket House - 7 November 09, 1996
18 - 8The Nantucket House - 8 November 16, 1996
18 - 9The Nantucket House - 9 November 23, 1996
18 - 10The Nantucket House - 10 November 30, 1996
18 - 11The Nantucket House - 11 December 07, 1996
18 - 12The Nantucket House - 12 December 14, 1996
18 - 13The Nantucket House - 13 December 21, 1996
18 - 14The Nantucket House - 14 December 28, 1996
18 - 15The Nantucket House - 15 January 04, 1997
18 - 16The Nantucket House - 16 January 11, 1997
18 - 17The Nantucket House - 17 January 18, 1997
18 - 18The Nantucket House - 18 January 25, 1997
18 - 19The Tucson House - 1 February 01, 1997
18 - 20The Tucson House - 2 February 08, 1997
18 - 21The Tucson House - 3 February 15, 1997
18 - 22The Tucson House - 4 February 22, 1997
18 - 23The Tucson House - 5 March 01, 1997
18 - 24The Tucson House - 6 March 08, 1997
18 - 25The Tucson House - 7 March 15, 1997
18 - 26The Tucson House - 8 March 22, 1997